Table Recommendations for UST Projectors, by Height
Imagine the overall height of a projection screen’s viewing surface as being separated into thirds from top to bottom. Many home theater experts recommend that your line of eyesight while comfortably seated (perhaps 42 inches or so above the floor) line up horizontally with, or near the top of, the bottom third of the screen if at all possible. So, if you will be setting up a HUGE 150″ diagonal projection screen or projecting onto an electric motorized floor-rising screen, you may be best off simply placing your UST projector directly on the floor.
However, if your ultra short throw projector needs a platform to raise it a bit up off the floor and you are seeking a minimalist solution, consider some of the small tables pictured below on this page which range between 3 inches and 17 inches in height. Because of the need to mount a large fixed-frame or electric motorized drop-down ALR (Ambient Light Rejecting) projection screen at an appropriate viewing height, the most important factor for choosing any specific piece of furniture to support your UST projector is its HEIGHT, assuming its horizontal surface area is large enough, and build quality is sturdy enough, to properly support the width, depth, and weight of the UST projector.
The larger the projection screen size you choose to go with, the shorter the table you will need. Don’t forget to calculate for the additional wall height required between the horizontal surface where the UST projector sits and the bottom of the projected image. For example, the AWOL Vision LTV-3500 Pro requires an extra 12.9″ of vertical height for an 80″ diagonal screen, 15.1″ for a 100″ screen, 17″ for a 120″ screen, and 19″ for a 150″ screen.
The following chart lists UST projector brand and model in the first column, followed by left to right width, front to back depth, and top to bottom height dimensions in inches in the second column, followed by weight in pounds in the third column.

Technically, almost any solid/sturdy table that is the right height to work well together with your specific projection screen size, and is also at least 27.4 inches wide and 16.8 inches in depth, and can support at least 27.6 pounds in weight could work for any UST projector featured on this website. Depending on the front to back depth of the table you use, it may need to be located several inches to a foot or more away from the wall. While the tables pictured below are organized in groups by height, within each height group are tables with a variety of top surface widths and depths which will work for at least some of the UST projectors listed in the chart above, but may or may not work for all of them.
19.0" - 19.9" in height
18.0" - 18.9" in height
17.0" - 17.9" in height
16.0" - 16.9" in height
15.0" - 15.9" in height
14.0" - 14.9" in height
13.0" - 13.9" in height
12.0" - 12.9" in height
11.0" - 11.9" in height
10.0" - 10.9" in height
9.0" - 9.9" in height
8.0" - 8.9" in height
7.0" - 7.9" in height
6.0" - 6.9" in height
5.0" - 5.9" in height
4.0" - 4.9" in height
3.0" - 3.9" in height
adjustable heights!
This page was last updated on February 2, 2025.